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“The “regulatory” is today undisputable integral part of any bio medicinal scientific project and the role is continuously increasing. The regulatory needs to be today understood as strategical pillar of project success – as new scientific discoveries facing a lot of challenges created by regulatory rules from the beginning of the process till the placing on the market. The demand for strategic approach and early assessing of regulatory approaches is very important in the translation value chain – as the regulatory is often identified as one of the risk factors creating delays and extra costs. “

Our mission

To contribute to boosting up success of the new inventions by

  • comprehensive regulatory knowledge

  • Minimizing the costs and risks of regulatory burdens

  • Providing “all-in-one” support for all phases of Clinical Trials

  • Delivering regulatory capacity and excellence

REKNOS Center is creating the capacity and the team of skilled and experienced experts with a comprehensive, cooperative, and integrated, diversified system based on the up-to-date knowledge needed for regulatory science excellence.

Our centers of excellence
  • Knowledge center

  • Clinical trials center

  • Regulatory services

  • Education and training

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